Marriage Retreat Strengthens 54 Couples with Over 600 Years Combined of Marriage

Bishop Dr. Murtland Raphael Massiah and Elder Hermonica Massiah

“Marriage has a lot to do with the purpose of God for your life. That person in your life was placed there to help you to become what God intended you to become,” affirmed keynote speakers Bishop Dr. Murtland Raphael Massiah and Elder Hermonica Angela Massiah. The distinguished speakers were addressing fifty-four (54) couples attending the well-received Marriage Retreat 2021, facilitated by First Assembly of God Church Wortmanville Marriage and Family Life Department from November 26 to 27, 2021 at their La Parfaite Harmonie Outstation. Embracing the theme Made for Each Other, twenty-two (22) couples attended the Retreat in-person and thirty-two (32) couples attended virtually, including from Switzerland and the United States of America.  

Welcoming attendees to the first session, hosts Reverend Dr. Marcel Hutson and Elder Deborah Hutson reminded couples “Men and Women are made for each other, and God created marriages and marriages can last until death do us part.” The Hutsons, who have been married for twenty-six (26) years, explained that the Marriage Retreat aims to empower attendees with information required to improve their marriage and obtain the most extraordinary benefits. In-person couples at Marriage Retreat 2021 were treated to a beautifully decorated, cozy and relaxing setting, which facilitated active learning and engagements to strengthen marriages. 

Rev. Dr. Marcel Hutson & Min. Deborah Hutson

Session One: Call to Greatness, Genesis 12:2

Speaking on the Session One theme Call to Greatness, Bishop Dr. Massiah and Elder Massiah briefly reflected on the origins of their forty-two (42) years of marriage. According to Bishop Dr. Massiah, though the complexity of marriage confused him and he was not exposed to a model, he decided to marry Elder Massiah and made a deep commitment never to divorce. 

Marriage: A Complete and Comprehensive Union

The keynote speakers posited that, “Holy matrimony was performed during creation. Our creator intended that it should be viewed as a complete and comprehensive union.” According to Bishop Dr. Massiah, as an ordinance of God, marriage exceeds seeing and falling in love with each other. It is: a lifelong, tripartite covenant between God, one man and one woman; fundamental in establishing a family; oriented towards procreation; and a serious step in one’s life. In relation to God’s mandate for marriage, Elder Massiah emphasised that, “…marriage is an institution established by God to last forever.

Imperfect People Get Married

Bishop Dr. Massiah and Elder Massiah acknowledged that marriage could be a fantastic journey, as well as very testing. Reflecting on Malachi 2:10-17, the keynote speakers underscored some of the persistent and emerging challenges of marriages in and out of the Church. Bishop Dr. Massiah posited, “Imperfect people get married.” He pointed out that marriage has a lot to do with fulfillment of the purpose of God for one’s life. 

Session Two: God’s Hand Leads, Isaiah 48:13

Investing in Marriage

Building on the foundation of marriage established during Session One, Bishop Dr. Massiah and Elder Massiah profoundly stated, “People want to build marriages to last a long time, but are not prepared to make the requisite investment.” The esteemed speakers challenged couples to not only invest in material things such as a house or vehicle, but to invest in their spouses. Additionally, spouses should not only invest financially, but more importantly, emotionally. According to Bishop Dr. Massiah and Elder Massiah, lack of investment in marriage results in failure. Many couples are not willing to pay the price for a successful marriage. They asserted, “Marriage is only as good as the investment made in the union.” 

Marriage is a Universal Gift from God

Bishop Dr. Massiah and Elder Massiah counselled that God created marriage not only for believers but also as a gift to all humanity. They admonished couples to revisit the altar, and the vows they made before God and man. The speakers highlighted that the goals of marriage are outlined in the marriage vows and encouraged couples to re-examine 1 Corinthians, Chapter 7. Reiterating the importance of understanding how one’s spouse was raised, Bishop Dr. Massiah stated, “Knowledge (not love) is the greatest attribute of marriage.” Speaking on building and sustaining marriages that endure, Bishop Dr. Massiah urged couples to focus on: examining and trying to improve themselves; valuing themselves and their spouses; being kind to each other; working on each other; and not exposing each other to harm. Elder Massiah stressed the importance of focusing on one’s own family, as comparison with other families can destroy the family.

Affirmation of Love

Couples attending the Marriage Retreat 2021 virtually and in-person affirmed their commitment to marriage and love for each other through the Unity Sand Ceremony. Colours used were green signifying healing, new beginnings, life, and restoration; and blue representing river of life, royal priesthood, grace, and mercy. Leading the Unity Sand Ceremony, Bishop Dr. Massiah and Elder Massiah explained the significance and called on couples to examine their lives, and recommit to forging stronger bonds in their marriage. 

Couples also benefited from a Couples Dance by four (4) couples of the La Parfaite Harmonie (Outstation), Reflections by three (3) couples attending virtually, and interactive activities such as Couples Charades, Fruitful Marriage Challenge, and Serenading Husbands. Marriage Retreat 2021 represented a celebration of over 600 years of combined marriages for fifty-four (54) couples, with marriages ranging between three (3) months to fifty-four (54) years. 

Solicited Comments

The Fosters

Anthony and Omega Foster have been married for three (3) months, and were the newest married couple attending the Marriage Retreat. The Fosters excitingly shared that they had a good experience because the Marriage Retreat had rich spiritual food. One of their take-a-ways was “Investing in Your Partner.” Additionally, the statement “Knowledge (not love) is the greatest attribute of marriage,” resonated with the couple. The Fosters felt understanding and communication are important, particularly when issues arise, in helping them to navigate their way forward. 

The Murrays

The couple married for the most years at the Retreat were Daniel and Irma Murray, and according to the couple they, “…have been married for fifty-four (54) beautiful years.” The couple indicated the Retreat helped them to recognize that they still have questions to be answered. They believe since God ordained marriages, it is very difficult to have a marriage without God. According to the couple, even if they disappeared and do not communicate for a few hours, they still pray together and talk to God because prayers change situations a whole lot. The Murrays encouraged couples to not take each other for granted. 


Following the conclusion of the Marriage Retreat, Bishop Dr. Murtland Raphael Massiah, during an interview, articulated that the Marriage Retreat was birthed out of spiralling incidents of family disintegration, and the fact that he recoils whenever he reads reports of negative family issues in the daily newspapers. 

Re-emphasizing the importance of marriage and the need for couples to never cease “investing in their marriage”, Bishop Dr. Massiah affirmed that supporting marriages that last, and strengthening the family as the primary unit of society, are of paramount importance to him and the work of First Assembly of God Wortmanville. 

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated challenges, the Marriage Retreat was held using a hybrid approach to maximise participation while observing statutory precautionary measures. Acknowledging the benefits of the hybrid approach, Bishop Dr. Massiah committed to utilising technology for subsequent Marriage Retreats. The next one is scheduled for February 2022, as First Assembly of God Wortmanville plays its part in investing in marriages.

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